Dr. Alexander Sarantis
- History and archaeology of the Byzantine empire, 4th-8th c.
- the Balkans
- Anatolia
- warfare and its impact
- socio-economic trends
- Diplomatic affairs
- frontier studies
- 2006 DPhil in Byzantine History, University of Oxford (St. Anne’s College)
- 2001 MStud in Byzantine History, University of Oxford (St. Anne’s College)
- 2000 BA (Hons) in History, University of Bristol
Previous positions
- ULAM research fellow, funded by NAWA (Polish Agency for Academic Exchange) and Assistant Professor in Byzantine and Early Medieval History at the Faculty of History, University of Warsaw (March 2021-March 2023)
- Alexander von Humboldt Research fellow (experienced researchers), hosted by the Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident Research group, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM) (February 2019-December 2020).
- Research fellow, Migration und Mobilität in Spätantike und Frühmittelalter project, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (January-December 2018).
- Lecturer in Ancient and Medieval History (Fixed-term contract), Departments of History and Classics, Ancient History and Egyptology, Swansea University (September 2017-January 2018).
- Lecturer in Early Medieval History (Fixed-term contracts), Department of History and Welsh History, Aberystwyth University (January 2015-June 2017).
- Associate Lecturer in Late Antique Archaeology, Classical and Archaeological Studies Department, University of Kent (Hourly-paid) (September 2011-January 2015).
Membership of professional bodies / academic affiliations
- Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (elected February 2017).
- Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for Late Antique Archaeology, University of Kent (October 2009-).
- Senior Editor of the Late Antique Archaeology series (October 2006-August 2013).

Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie
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- Telefon:+49 6131 8885-0
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Single-author monographs
- Justinian’s Balkan Wars: Campaigns, Diplomacy and Development in Illyricum, Thrace and the Northern World, A.D. 527-65 (Francis Cairns Publications, Prenton 2016) 500 pages.
Edited books:
- Editor, with N. Christie, War and Warfare in Late Antiquity: Current Perspectives (Brill, Leiden 2013) 2 vols. 1,085 pages.
- Editor, with L. Lavan and L. Ozgenel, Housing in Late Antiquity: From Palaces to Shops (Brill, Leiden 2007) 538 pages.
- Editor, with L. Lavan and E. Zanini, Technology in Transition A.D. 300-700 (Brill, Leiden 2008) 572 pages.
Journal articles:
- ‘The socio-economic impact of raiding on the eastern and Balkan borderlands of the eastern Roman empire, 502-602’, Millennium 17 (2020), pp. 203-64.
- with Anna Leone, ‘The Middle Euphrates and its transformation from the 3rd to the 7th c.: the case of Dibsi Faraj’, The Journal of Late Antiquity 13.2 (2020) pp. 308-51.
- ‘Justinian’s Novella 11: Memory and political propaganda in the build-up to the Gothic War’, Early Medieval Europe 27.4 (2019), pp. 494-520.
- ‘Military provisioning in the sixth-century Balkans’, The Journal of Late Antiquity 12.2 (2019), pp. 329-79.
- ‘Diplomatic relations between the eastern Roman empire and the “barbarian” successor states, 527-565’, History Compass 16.11 (2018) pp.1-14.
- ‘War and diplomacy in Pannonia and the north-west Balkans during the reign of Justinian: the Gepid threat and imperial responses’, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 63 (2009) pp.15-40.
Double-refereed book chapters:
- ‘Waging war in Late Antiquity’, in A. Sarantis and N. Christie eds., War and Warfare in Late Antiquity: Current Perspectives (Brill, Leiden 2013) pp.1-98.
- ‘Military encounters in the northern Balkans from Anastasius to Justinian’, in A. Sarantis and N. Christie eds., War and Warfare in Late Antiquity: Current Perspectives (Brill, Leiden 2013) pp.759-808.
- ‘Military equipment and weaponry: a bibliographic essay’ in A. Sarantis and N. Christie eds., War and Warfare in Late Antiquity: Current Perspectives (Brill, Leiden 2013) pp.153-75.
- ‘Tactics: a bibliographic essay’ in A. Sarantis and N. Christie eds., War and Warfare in Late Antiquity: Current Perspectives (Brill, Leiden 2013) pp.177-207.
- ‘Fortifications in the West: a bibliographic essay’, in A. Sarantis and N. Christie eds., War and Warfare in Late Antiquity: Current Perspectives (Brill, Leiden 2013) pp.255-96.
- ‘Fortifications in Africa: a bibliographic essay’, in A. Sarantis and N. Christie eds., War and Warfare in Late Antiquity: Current Perspectives (Brill, Leiden 2013) pp.297-315.
- ‘Fortifications in the East: a bibliographic essay’, in A. Sarantis and N. Christie eds., War and Warfare in Late Antiquity: Current Perspectives (Brill, Leiden 2013) pp.317-70.
Book chapters:
- ‘Two worlds in crisis: warfare, political change, and economic recession in Anatolia and the Balkans, ca. 565-750’, in Festschrift for James Howard-Johnston, (Travaux et Mémoires), eds. P. Booth and M. Whitby (Centre de recherche d’histoire et civilisation byzantines, Paris, 2022).
- ‘The Rise and Fall of the Gepid Kingdom in Dacia and Pannonia, 453-567’, in Kollaps - Neuordnung - Kontinuitäten: Das Theissgebiet nach dem Untergang des Hunnenreiches, ed. T. Vida (Mainz, 2019), pp. 1-18.
- ‘Procopius and the different types of northern barbarian’, in The World of Procopius, eds. G. Greatrex and S. Janniard (De Boccard, Paris 2018) pp. 355-78.
- ‘The strategic role of fortifications in the Balkan wars of Late Antiquity’, in Cities, Territories and Identities: Proceedings of the 1st International Roman and Late Antique Thrace Conference, ed. L. Vagalinski, M. Raycheva et al. (National Bulgarian Archaeological Institute, Sofia 2018), pp.415-427.
- ‘The concept of Just War in the Age of Augustine’, in Augustine in Context, ed. T. Toon (CUP, Cambridge 2018).
- ‘Roman or Barbarian? Political loyalties and ethnic identities in the Balkans according to Procopius’, in Reinventing Procopius: New Readings on Late Antique Historiography, eds. C. Lillington-Martin and E. Turquois (Palgrave, Aldershot 2018), pp. 217-37.
- ‘East Roman management of barbarians tribes in the Lower-Middle Danube frontier zones, A.D. 332-610’, in Grenz/übergänge: Spätrömisch, frühchristlich, frühbyzantinisch als Kategorien der historisch-archäologischen Forschung an der mittleren Donau, eds. O. Heinrich-Tamaska and D. Syrbe (Verlag Bernhard Albert Greiner, Remshalden 2016), pp.41-66.
- ‘The Lombard conquest of Italy, 569-572’, in M. Whitby and H. Sidebottom eds., The Encylopedia of Ancient Battles (Blackwell, Oxford 2017) pp. 1273-74.
- ‘Early 6th century Balkan wars’, in M. Whitby and H. Sidebottom eds., The Encylopedia of Ancient Battles (Blackwell, Oxford 2017) pp. 1253-62.
- ‘Justinian and Africa’, in M. Whitby and H. Sidebottom eds., The Encylopedia of Ancient Battles (Blackwell, Oxford 2017) pp. 1214-30.
- ‘The Sarmatae’, in G. Greatrex ed., Blackwell’s Encyclopaedia of the Roman Army (Blackwell, Oxford 2015).
- ‘The Quadi’, in G. Greatrex ed., Blackwell’s Encyclopaedia of the Roman Army (Blackwell, Oxford 2015).
- ‘The Justinianic Herules: from allied barbarians to Roman provincials’, in F. Curta ed. Neglected Barbarians (Brepols, Turnhout 2011) pp.361-402.
- ‘Arnold Hugh Martin Jones (1904-1970)’, in D. Gwynn ed., A.H.M. Jones and the Later Roman Empire (Brill, Leiden 2008) pp.3-24.
Reviews (selected)
- Rob Collins, Matthew Symonds and Meike Weber eds. Roman Military Architecture on the Frontiers: Armies and their Architecture in Late Antiquity in Journal of Late Antiquity (2021), pp. 533-536.
- Clemens Koehn, Justinian und die Armee des frühen Byzanz in Historische Zeitschrift 310.2 (2020), pp. 467-469.
- Andrei Gandila, Cultural Encounters on Byzantium’s Northern Frontier, c. AD 500-700, in Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society 179 (2020), pp. 410-16.
- Conor Whately, Battles and Generals: Combat, Culture and Didacticism in Procopius’ Wars, in Speculum 94.4 (2019), pp. 1243-44.
- Michael Palairet, Macedonia: A Voyage Through History, in Speculum 93.1 (2018) pp. 255-56.
- Ekaterina Nechaeva, Embassies, Negotiations, Gifts: Systems of East Roman Diplomacy in Late Antiquity, in Journal of Roman Studies 106 (2016) pp. 384-85.