Dr. Tamara Dogandžic

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


  • Paleolithic archaeology
  • Lithic technology
  • Controlled experiments


  • Scientist (since 2021), MONREPOS Archaeological Research Centre and Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution, Neuwied, Germany

  • Ph.D. in Palaeolithic Archeology (awarded  2021), Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Department of Human Evolution, Leipzig, Germany & Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University; Thesis: “Techno-Typological Variability of the Late Middle Paleolithic in the southern Balkans”

  • Marie Skłodowska Curie Fellow (2017-2021), Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Department of Human Evolution (Leipzig, Germany) & Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA)

  • Project: MORPHOLITHEX (Morphology of Lithic Artifacts: Experimental and Morphometric Approaches)

Stipendien und Auszeichnungen 

  • 2017
    Marie Curie Individual Global Fellowship (EUR 239,680.8)
    The Leakey Foundation research grant for the project “Late Middle and Early Upper Paleolithic in the Balkans” ($11,055)
    Paleoanthropology Society Travel Award ($650)


 MONREPOS | Archäologisches Forschungszentrum und Museum für menschliche Verhaltensevolution
56567 Neuwied
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  • Lin SC, Rezek Z, Abdolahzadeh A, Braun DR, Dogandžić T, Leader GM, et al. (2022) The mediating effect of platform width on the size and shape of stone flakes. PLoS ONE 17(1): e0262920

  • McPherron, S. P., Abdolahzadeh, A., Archer, W., Chan, A., Djakovic, I., Dogandžić, T., Leader, G. M., Li, L., Lin, S., Magnani, M., Reeves, J., Rezek, Z., & Weiss, M. (2020). Introducing platform surface interior angle (PSIA) and its role in flake formation, size and shape. PLoS One,15(11): e0241714

  • Dogandžić, T., Abdolazadeh, A., Leader, G., Li Li, Tennie, C., Dibble, H. L., 2020. Results of Lithic Experiments Performed on Glass Cores Are Applicable to Other Raw Materials. Journal of Anthropological and Archeological Sciences 12 (2):44

  • Ruebens, K., Smith, G.M., Dogandžić, T., Steele, T. (2020). Connecting Middle Palaeolithic Datasets: the Interplay of Zooarchaeological and Lithic Data for Unravelling Neanderthal Behaviour. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 3, 97-107.

  • Martisius, N.L., Welker, F., Dogandžić, T., Grote, M. N., Rendu, W., Sinet-Mathiot, V., Wilcke, A., McPherron, S. P., Soressi, M., Steele, T. 2020. Non-destructive ZooMS identification reveals strategic bone tool raw material selection by Neandertals. Scientific Reports 10, 7746

  • Monteza-Moreno, C.M., Dogandžić, T., McLean, K.A., Castillo-Caballero, P.L., Mijango-Ramos, Z., Rosario-Vargas, E., Crofoot, M.C., Barrett, B.J.  2020. White-Faced Capuchin, Cebus capucinus imitator, Hammerstone and Anvil Tool Use in Riparian Habitats on Coiba Island, Panama. International Journal of Primatology 41, 429-433

  • Zwyns, N., Paine, C.H., Tsedendorj, B., Talamo, S., Fitzsimmons, K. E., Gantumur, A., Guunii, L., Davakhuu, O., Flas., D., Dogandžić, T., Doerschner, N., et al. 2019. The Northern Route for Human dispersal in Central and Northeast Asia: New evidence from the site of Tolbor-16, Mongolia. Scientific Reports 9, 11759

  • Barrett BJ, Monteza-Moreno CM, Dogandžić, T., Zwyns N, Ibanez A, Crofoot MC. 2018 Habitual stone-tool-aided extractiveforaging in white-faced capuchins, Cebus capucinus. Royal Society Open Science 5: 181002

  • Dogandžić, T., Đuričić, Lj., 2017. Lithic Production Strategies in the Middle Paleolithic of the Southern Balkans. Quaternary International 450: 68-102

  • Archer, W., Pop, C.M., Rezek, Z., Schlager, S., Lin, S.C., Weiss, M., Dogandžić, T., Desta, D., McPherron, S.P. 2017. A geometric morphometric relationship predicts stone flake shape size and variability. Journal of Anthropological and Archeological Sciences 10: 1991. doi.org/10.1007/s12520-017-0517-2

  • Dogandžić, T., Braun, D., McPherron, S.P., 2015, Edge Length and Surface Area of a Blank: Measures, Size Predictions and Utility. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0133984. Data available: dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1502667.v1

  • Oxilia, G., Peresani, M., Romandini, M., Matteucci, C., Debono Spiteri, C., Henry, A.G., Schulz, D., Archer, W., Crezzini, J., Boschini, F., Boscato, P., Jaouen, K., Dogandžić, T., Broglio, A., Moggi-Cecchi, J., Fiorenza, L., Hublin, J-J., Kullmer, O., Benazzi, S., 2015., Earliest evidence of dental caries manipulation in the Late Upper Palaeolithic, Scientific Reports 5:12150:1-10

  • McPherron, S.P., Braun, D., Dogandžić, T., Desta, D., Lin, S., Archer, W., 2014, An experimental assessment of the influences on edge damage to lithic artifacts: A consideration of edge angle, substrate grain size, raw material properties, and exposed face, Journal of Archaeological Science 49: 70:82

  • Dogandžić, T., McPherron S., Mihailović, D., 2014, Middle and Upper Paleolithic in the Balkans: continuities and discontinuities of human occupations, in D. Mihailović (ed.), Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Research in the Central Balkans, Serbian Archaeological Society, Belgrade, pp. 81-94

  • Zwyns, N., Gladyshev, S.A., Gunchinsuren, B., Bolorbat, Tsevendorj, Flas, D., Dogandžić, T., Tabarev, A., Gillam, J.C., Khatsenovich, A.M., McPherron, S.P., Odsuren, D., Paine, C. H., Purevjal, K-E., Stewart, J., 2014, The open-air site of Tolbor-16 (Nothern Mongolia): preliminary results and perspectives. Quaternary International, 347:53-65

  • Soressi, M., McPherron, S.P., Lenoir, M., Dogandžić, T., Goldberg, P., Jacobs, Z., Maigrot, Y., Martisius, M., Miller, C.E., Rendu, W., Richards, M., Skinner, M.M., Steele, T., Talamo, S., Texier, J-P., 2013, Neandertals Made the First Specialized Bone Tools in Europe, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(35):14186-90

  • Gladyshev. S, Gunchinsuren, B., Jull A. J. T., Dogandžić, T., Zwyns, N., Olsen, J. W., Richards, M. P., Tabarev, A. V., Talamo, S., 2013, Radiocarbon dating of Paleolithic sites in the Ikh-Tulberiin-Gol River Valley, Northern Mongolia, Vestnik 12 (5):44-48

  • Dogandžić, T. and McPherron S. P., 2013, Demography and the Demise of Neandertals: A Comment on “Tenfold Population Increase in Western Europe at the Neandertal-to-Modern Human Transition”, Journal of Human Evolution 64 (4):311-313

  • Dogandžić T., 2012, Review of „Darlas, A. and D. Mihailović (eds.). 2008. “The Palaeolithic of the Balkans.” in PaleoAnthopology (2012)

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