Dr. Niklas Hausmann

Emmy-Noether Nachwuchsgruppenleiter


  • Küstenarchäologie weltweit
  • Umweltarchäologie
  • Paläoklima


  • seit Februar 2021
    Nachwuchsgruppenleiter am LEIZA

  • 2020
    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am NIhK

  • 2019
    Projektmanager des Marie Curie ITN SEACHANGES

  • 2018
    Affiliierter Mitarbeiter am Max-Planck-Institut für Menschheitsgeschichte, Jena

  • 2016 - 2018
    Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Fellow am Institut für elektronische Strukturen und Laser (Griechenland) als Leiter des ACCELERATE Projekts

  • 2015 - 2016
    Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im ERC Projekt  DISPERSE am Department of Archaeology (University of York).

  • 2012 - 2015
    Promotion am Department of Archaeology (University of York). Thema der Dissertation: The shell mounds of the Farasan Islands - An isotopic study of seasonality and coastal exploitation.


 Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie
Ludwig-Lindenschmit-Forum 1

55116 Mainz
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  • 2023: Munoz-Rodriguez, Mariana, Samantha Presslee, Krista McGrath, Niklas Hausmann, Volker Hilberg, Lena Holmqvist, Jessica Hendy, and Steven Paul Ashby. 2023 (Forthcoming). "Viking towns and outlands: the antiquity of long-distance maritime links with the north revealed through biomolecular analysis of hair combs from Hedeby (Haithabu), Germany." Antiquity.

  • 2022: Hausmann, Niklas, Harry K. Robson, and Geoff Bailey. 2022. "Marine abundance and its prehistoric past in the Baltic." Nature Communications 2022 (13, 2825): 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-30150-9 

  • 2021: Kwiecien, Ola, Tobias Braun, Camilla Francesca Brunello, Patrick Faulkner, Niklas Hausmann, Gerd Helle, Julie Hoggarth, Monica lonita, Chris Jazwa, Saige Kelmelis, Norbert Marwan, Cinthya Nava-Fernandez, Carole Nehme, Thomas Opel, Jessica L. Oster, Aurel Percoiu, Cameron Petrie, Keith Prufer, Saija M. Saarni, Annabel Wolf, and Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach. 2021. "What we talk about when we talk about seasonality: A transdisciplinary review." Earth Science Reviews 2021 (225). doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103843.

  • 2021: Siozos, Panagiotis, Niklas Hausmann, Malin Holst, and Demetrios Anglos. 2021. "Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and neural networks on archaeological human bones for the discrimination of distinct individuals." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2021 (35). doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102769.

  • 2020: Hausmann, Niklas. 2020. "Application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and neural networks on archaeological human bones for the discrimination of distinct individuals." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 2021 (35). https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2012/2012.14470.pdf.

  • 2019: Hausmann, N., Robson, H., Hunt, C. Annual growth patterns and interspecimen variability in Mg/Ca records of European Oysters. Open Quaternary. https://doi.org/10.5334/oq.59 

  • 2019: Hausmann, N., Robson, H.K., Hunt, C., Growth Incremental analysis of thin sections from marine  molluscs. protocols.io. https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.67chhiw

  • 2019: Fossile, T., Ferreira, J., da Rocha Bandeira, D., Figuti, L., Dias-da-Silva, S., Hausmann, N., Robson, H. K., Orton, D. C. & Colonese, A. C., Pre-Columbian fisheries catch reconstruction for a subtropical estuary in Southern America. Fish and fisheries. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12401 

  • 2019: Hausmann, N., Meredith-Williams, M., Inglis, R.H., Douka, K., Bailey, G. Quantifying spatial variability in shell midden formation: Anthropological implications on site taphonomy and sea-level change. PloS one 14 (6), e0217596. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0217596 

  • 2019: Hausmann, N., Prendergast, A.L., Lemonis, A., Zech, J., Roberts, P., Siozos, P. and Anglos D. Extensive elemental mapping unlocks Mg/Ca ratios as climate proxy in seasonal records of Mediterranean limpets. Scientific Reports 9:3698 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-39959-9 

  • 2018: Robson, H.K., Little, A., Jones, A.K.G., Blockley, S., Candy, I., Matthews, I., Palmer, A., Schreve, D., Tong, E., Pomstra, D., Fletcher, L., Hausmann, N., Taylor, B., Conneller, C. and Milner, N. Scales of analysis: Evidence of fish and fish processing at Star Carr. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 17: 895–903 .

  • 2017: Hausmann, N., Siozos, P., Lemonis, A., Colonese, A. C., Robson, H. K., & Anglos, D., Elemental mapping of Mg/Ca intensity ratios in marine mollusc shells using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy.  Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry Vol. 32 (8): 1437–1610.

  • 2017: Colonese, A.C., Netto, S.A., Francisco, A.S., DeBlasis, P., Villagran, X.S., Ponzoni, R.D.A.R., Hancock, Y., Hausmann, N., Faria, D.S., Prendergast, A. and Schöne, B.R.: Shell sclerochronology and stable isotopes of the bivalve Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus,1767) from southern Brazil. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Vol. 484: 7–21.

  • 2017: Hausmann, N. and Meredith-Williams, M. Exploring accumulation rates of shell deposits through seasonality data. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory Vol. 24(3): 776–795.

  • 2017: Hausmann, N. and Meredith-Williams M. Seasonal patterns of coastal exploitation on the Farasan Islands, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, Vol. 12(3):360–379.

  • 2017: Hausmann, N., Colonese A. C., Ponzoni A., Hancock Y., Meredith-Williams M., Leng M. J. and Bailey G. N. Isotopic composition of Conomurex fasciatus shells as an environmental proxy for the Red Sea. Quaternary International 427(A): 115-127.

  • 2015: Hausmann, N., Meredith-Williams, M., Bailey, G. Results of recent excavations on the Farasan Islands and studies of large-scale prehistoric shellfish gathering in the Red Sea. In: N. Bicho, C. Detry, T. D. Price, E. Cunha (ed.) Muge 150th Anniversary Conference. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press

  • 2014: Colonese, A. C., Zanchetta G., Fallick A. E., Manganelli G., Lo Cascio P., Hausmann, N., Baneschi I., Regattieri E. Oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of modern terrestrial gastropod shells from Lipari Island, Aeolian Archipelago (Sicily). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 394: 119-127.

  • 2014: Meredith-Williams, M., Hausmann, N., Bailey, G.N., King, G.C.P., Alsharekh, A., Ghamdi, Al, S., Inglis, R.H., Mapping, modelling and predicting prehistoric coastal archaeology in the southern Red Sea using new applications of digital-imaging techniques. World Archaeology Vol. 46(1): 10-24.

  • 2014: Meredith-Williams, M., Hausmann, N., Inglis, R. and Bailey, G. 4200 New Shell Mound Sites in the Southern Red Sea. Internet Archaeology. DOI: 10.11141/ia.37.2.

  • 2012: Bailey, G., King, G., Devès, M., Hausmann, N., Inglis, R., Laurie, E., Meredith-Williams, M., Momber, G., Winder, I., Alsharekh, A., Sakellariou, D. DISPERSE: dynamic landscapes, coastal environments and human dispersals." Antiquity 86, no. 334

Beiträge in Sammelschriften

  • 2023: Hausmann, Niklas, Matthew Meredith-Williams, Robyn Inglis, and  Abdullah Al-Sharekh. 2023 (Forthcoming). "Saudi Arabia." In Oxford Handbook of Island and Coastal Archaeology, edited by Scott Fitzpatrick, and Jon Erlandson, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  • 2023: Robson, Harry K., Niklas Hausmann, and Nicky Milner. 2023 (Forthcoming). "Shell Middens." 2nd Edition. In Encyclopedia of Archaeology, Elsevier.

  • 2022: Hausmann, Niklas. 2022. "Facing and living with natural disasters in the past and what we can expect for the future." In A Fearful Hope, edited by Theresa Perabo, and Sigrid Rieuwerts, Mainzer Beiträge zur Kulturanthropologie/Volkskunde. Münster: Waxmann.

  • 2021: Hausmann, Niklas, Matthew Meredith-Williams, and Eva Laurie. 2021. "Shellfish resilience to prehistoric human consumption in the southern Red Sea: Variability in Conomurex fasciatus across time and space." In Coastal prehistory and Submerged Landscapes: Molluscan Resources, Shell-Middens and Underwater Investigations, edited by Geoff Bailey, and Karen Hardy, Quaternary International 584, 20-32. Elsevier. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.04.034.

  • 2020: G.N. Bailey, R.H. Inglis, M. Meredith-Williams, Hausmann, N., A.M. Alsharekh and S. Al Ghamdi. Preliminary Report on Fieldwork in The Farasan Islands and Jizan and Asir Provinces by The DISPERSE Project, November –December, 2012. In: G. Bailey and A.M. Alsharekh (Eds.) Palaeolithic Archaeology, Coastal Prehistory and Submerged Landscapes in Southwest Saudi Arabia and the Farasan Islands: DISPERSE Field Reports 2012–2015. Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities p. 72–78.

  • 2020: M. Meredith-Williams, G.N. Bailey, Hausmann, N., S. Al Ghamdi, A.M. Alsharekh, K. Douka and B. Larsen. Preliminary Report on 2013 Fieldwork in Southwest Saudi Arabia by the DISPERSE Project: (1) the Farasan Islands. In: G.N. Bailey and A.M. Alsharekh (Eds.) Palaeolithic Archaeology, Coastal Prehistory and Submerged Landscapes in Southwest Saudi Arabia and the Farasan Islands: DISPERSE Field Reports 2012–2015. Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities p. 87–100.

  • 2020: R. H. Inglis, A.G.M. Sinclair, A. Shuttleworth, A. Al Maamary, W. Budd, Hausmann, N., M. Meredith-Williams, A.M. Alsharekh, S. Al Ghamdi, and G.N. Bailey. Preliminary Report on 2014 Fieldwork in Southwest Saudi Arabia by the DISPERSE Project: (2) Jizan and Asir Provinces February–March 2013. In: G.N. Bailey and A. Alsharekh (Eds.) Palaeolithic Archaeology, Coastal Prehistory and Submerged Landscapes in Southwest Saudi Arabia and the Farasan Islands: DISPERSE Field Reports 2012–2015. Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities p. 120–141.

  • 2020: G. Momber, J. Gillespie, B. Mason, C. Mason, L. Tidbury, W. Mozayen, F. Hamzi, J. Al Sadiq, A. Al Haiti, M. Meredith-Williams, Hausmann, N., A. Aqeeli, M. Mofta and G.N. Bailey. In: G.N. Bailey and A. Alsharekh (Eds.) Palaeolithic Archaeology, Coastal Prehistory and Submerged Landscapes in Southwest Saudi Arabia and the Farasan Islands: DISPERSE Field Reports 2012–2015. Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities p. 232–245.

  • 2019: Bailey, G.N., Meredith-Williams, M., Alsharekh, A. and Hausmann, N., The Archaeology of Pleistocene Coastal Environments and Human Dispersals in the Red Sea: Insights from the Farasan Islands. In: The Red Sea II, Najeeb Rasul and Ian Stewart (Eds.) Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

  • 2019: Hausmann, N., Kokkinaki, O. and Leng, M., Red Sea Palaeoclimate: stable isotope and element-ratio analysis of marine mollusc shells. In: The Red Sea II, Najeeb Rasul and Ian Stewart (Eds.) Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

  • 2014: Inglis, R. H., Sinclair, A., Shuttleworth, A., Al Maamary, A., Budd, W., Hausmann, N., Meredith-Williams, M. G., Alsharekh, A., Al Ghamdi, S. & Bailey, G. Preliminary Report on 2014 Fieldwork in Southwest Saudi Arabia by the DISPERSE Project: (2) Jizan and Asir Provinces, Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities. p. 31


  • 2018: Molluscs in Archaeology by Michael Allen. Antiquity 92, no.361

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